
Thursday, July 12, 2012

Types of indigenous knowledge of Tharu

Tharu community has been using many types of indigenous knowledge from very beginning to the Tharu civilization to sustain their daily life. It is concluded that Tharus are main and largest indigenous people of the Tarai and Inner Tarai area, east to west of Nepal. This is very wide spread area. So geography, temperature, humidity biodiversity, livelihood style encroachment and soci-economic sphere also varies. That is why; Tharus have developed immunes against Malari. They have different Skills foods, lifestyles, lifecycles, etc to survive and make daily life easy respectable and developed. So, general list of indigenous knowledge of Tharu is given bellow.

1.     Baidawa system (Medicinal Plants)
2.     Organisational system
3.     Guruwa system (Mantar)
4.     Foods and Drinks
5.     Skill (Handicrafts and materials)
6.     Ornaments and attires
7.     Culture (rituals, festivals, etc.)
8.     Architecture
9.     Language and Literature
10.                        Sports and games
11.                        Agricultural farming
12.                        Fish farming and hunting
13.                        Land, forest and forest and waster management:
14.                        Mahutya (Elephant Driving)
15.                        Developing Immune against Malaria
16.                        Traditional Birth Attendance (Sohrinya)
17.                        Message
18.                        Animal Farming
19.                        Fold song and folklores
Sitaram Chaudhary

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