
Thursday, July 12, 2012

Computer system

The terms computer and computer system are different. A computer system is not a single device. There should be a combination of several parts to form a workable computer system.
Four major parts involved in a computer system are:
1.Hardware                                       2. Software
3. Data                                               4. User

Hardware: all the mechanical parts of a computer are collectively known as hardware. We can touch the hardware components. There are several hardware components in computer system. They are: mouse, keyboard, scanner, joystick, CPU, monitor, printer, speaker, plotter, RAM, and ROM, Hard disk, CD-ROOM, DVD, Pen drive, etc.

Software: A collection of one of more programs is called a software. Software contains sets of instructions which make the computer work. The software instructs the computer hardware what task it should perform and how. So, software enables the computer to do work. We cannot touch the software. Several types of software are used in computer such as: MS-Windows, MS-word, MS-Paint, Excel, Linux, PowerPoint, Intern Explorer etc.

User : computer doses not perform any task itself. It requires a user (man0f to operate. A user is the main handler of a computer system. The person who operates a computer is called user.

Data: Data means tiny pieces of raw facts. A computer processes the raw data and produces a meaningful information. Computer takes data as an input and processes them according to the given instructions. Data may be in the form of letters, sound, images etc.

Sitaram Chaudhary

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