
Thursday, July 12, 2012

General Introduction of Nepal

Nepal is a multi-cultural, multi-linguistic, multi-religious, multi-geographic and multi-caste/ethnic country. It lies in between 26022 and 30027 N Latitude and 8804 and  88012 E longitude, which is situated in between two largest countries, China and India. Physiographic ally is is divided into 7 physiographic zones namely Tarai, Siwalik, Mahabharat range, mid lands, Himalaya, Inner himlaya and Tibetan Marginal Mountains from south to north (Hagen, 1998). Due to extreme altitudinal variation, the climatic conditions also vary widely, nine bioclimatic zones exist in the country (NBS, 2002). The altitudinal limit varies (from 60m above the sea level in the Tarai to 8848 m the Mt Everest) existing within a small geographical area (147,818 sq. km), rendering the country unique in species richness and habit diversity (Chaudhary, 1998). The population of the country is 227,36,934 and the indigenous community forms a major portion in Tarai with several ethnic groups.

Sitaram Chaudhary

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